
Relate everything

Indigenous cultures have long understood that the world is interconnected. The Ojibwe, the most populous tribe in North America, even have a word for it: Gidinawendimin, we are all related.

Yet for much of modern history, the world has been clustered, industrialized, and secularized into silos: disciplines, departments, functions, ministries, parties, countries, genders… We gave these silos labels, organized knowledge accordingly, and then made decisions and allocated resources based on that limited, siloed knowledge.

It turns out the world isn’t so simple. In recent years, we’ve (the rest of society) started to appreciate that it is complex and interdependent. And increasingly so, as a pandemic and climate change so clearly demonstrate. Beneath the surface the world is a system, made of endlessly interacting, flowing, dependent parts. And these myriad relationships give rise to the complexity we now observe and experience all around us.

Against rising complexity, it is no wonder many silos are beginning to crack.

Organizing the world’s information into silos no longer reflects our best understanding of the world. And so it limits our abilities to reliably predict outcomes, make decisions, mitigate risks — and improve the state of the world.

We think there’s a better way.

What if, instead, all the world’s knowledge was organized as one interconnected system, revealing and reflecting the true nature of the world? An architecture based on systems not on silos, only possible today because of AI. We envision this new systems-based architecture transforming how we make decisions, govern, and allocate resources across all major areas of society, from health to climate, the economy to security. A world where considering the whole, accessing context, is just as easy as accessing content.

Meet System.

We are a Public Benefit Corporation with a purpose to relate everything, to help the world see and solve anything, as a system.